Career readiness is defined as the attainment and demonstration of requisite competencies that broadly prepare graduates for a successful transition into the workplace. CULTR’s work remains rooted in preparing all students for successful pathways into rewarding careers. To address the skills gap that exists in this country today, CULTR supports students and educators as they align world language educational outcomes with the high-skill, high-demand needs of business and industry.
Funding Cycle Projects
Guided by its core values, CULTR’s initiatives fall into four central objectives: professional development, career readiness, advocacy and research. Regarding career readiness, CULTR promotes language study and global skills as an integral factor of academic and career preparation for all 21st-Century students. The following projects are laid out in the 2022-2026 funding cycle.
CR1: World Languages Day
Since Fall of 2015, CULTR has hosted World Languages Day, an exploratory language conference and resource fair for 9th to 12th-grade students. WLD highlights the central role of global skills—particularly language proficiency—in opening up career and service opportunities to globally-minded graduates. Through WLD, more than 3,000 students have had the opportunity to meet with leaders and more than 90 exhibitors from international commerce, social services, nonprofits and governmental agencies with international and global connections. WLD allows students to explore answers to the questions such as how learning a second language can help future aspirations, and how languages make a difference in our society. Exhibitors have included Mercedes Benz, United Parcel Services (UPS), Peace Corps, the CIA, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Red Cross, CNN, the Social Security Administration and the AFL-CIO. Resources for language study, including informational and motivational activities, as well as discovery stations, highlight professional opportunities through language expertise. The informational materials, teacher toolkit, exhibitor toolkit, photos, videos and agendas will be available for reproduction and use by teachers across the nation.
Visit the page on World Languages Day to learn more or participate in the upcoming event.
CR2: Global Career Series
Organized since 2019 in partnership with the Atlanta Global Studies Center, and GSU’s Andrew Young School of Policy Studies Career and Alumni Services, Global Studies Program and Study Abroad Programs, this series inspires students to build global skills and pursue global careers, internships and volunteer opportunities. In a virtual setting, representatives from internationally focused organizations speak to students about opportunities in Atlanta and/or abroad. Spring 2022 participants included international humanitarian and cultural organizations in Atlanta, global commerce and trade, as well as U.S. Foreign Service representatives.
To stay up to date with this CULTR initiative, please visit the Global Career Series page.